Welcome to IJRDASE
International Journal of Research and Development in Applied Science and Engineering(IJRDASE  ), is an indexed, open source intelligence, academic journal.

IJRDASE publishes twelve issues per year of rigorous and original contributions in the Science disciplines of Chemistry and Physics. And in the Engineering disciplines of Civil, Chemical, Electrical, Mechanical, Computer Science and Engineering, Systems Engineering, and along with a Theme Issue on specific topic.

IJRDASE   is an international journal that have more flexibility towards the papers interpretation in all the aspects of mathematical calculations, structuration, enhancing applications and implementations.

All manuscripts are peer-reviewed prior to publication by at least two referees, who are known scholars in their fields worldwide. IJRDASE   does not reveal the identities of the reviewers to the author(s).

The mission of IJRDASE  is to promote and encourages the researchers and academicians to present their new innovative research on multidisciplinary fields and also invites contributions of the papers from practitioners, researchers, scientist and innovators from world wide.

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